Looking to set up a hard crotas end run for tonight. Approx 9 or 10pm gmt. Message me if ur interested
Doing flawless raider message gt woods9002
Looking for fresh run. GT same as above
Stays up for 1 hour.
level 40 light level 297 looking to do FRESH CROTA HARD RAID... *MICS REQUIRED* gt as above. XBOX MESSAGE FOR INVITE
Fresh crota anyone,, gt above
Need 5 for fresh normal crota, message dabtologist for an invite
305 hunter lfg hard crotas end
Looking to run crota hard mode. Trying for the elusive crux. Send invite to redace2782
Need 4 black spindle tom 310+ warpriest cp hard mode same gt
Need five people to kill death singer on hard mode
Have totem cp hard need 1 305 plus message gt above
Anyone for crotas end hard mode?
Need 3 313 + for oryx cp message ric111984 thanks. Titans needed
310 titan looking for hard crota
Need 2 310+ titans for Oryx cp. Message gt for inv.
Need 5 for bridge cp crota on Xbox one
Need 3 for Crota normal
hard oryx need 3 more experienced lvl 311 titan w malice gt same as user
Need 5 on oryx cp HARDMODE Must have completed raid (have emblem) Nust be 310+ Msg me for inv gt same as above Put class and light lvl in msg
LF crota end hard run. Message me. Gt same above
Edited by MacDaddyIzNasty: 11/6/2015 5:47:00 AMLooking to run crotas cp or atheon cp 314 warlock. Gt same as above
Looking for two Titans for hard mode. Message Pontiac GTP 99 fresh start
312 titan looking for fresh run
Need 3...fresh crota...message for inv
306 warlock looking to do the hard raid