Anyone bored enough to run this?
GT:djtron 100 im a lvl 40 warlock light lvl is 288 and I need people to help im playing crota hard right now so add me and send me a message and ill send u an invite ;)
Would like run
I would like to run sword jtmsl is gt u have soloed the raid before i have 304light
Anyone want to do hard raid for Crota. Just looking to farm weapon parts.
306 Titan looking to do Crota's End on hard mode. Have spindle and malice. This will be a Fresh Run! •Must have mic •Must be level 30+ My GT is FaDe Massacre
298 hunter looking for fresh run...I've beatin oryx on hard mode 4x just working on my third character send invite or message to gt: untouchable781
310 Hunter, Power Glyph CP aka right before WP 310+ only, need 4 Must have beaten hard mode Not waisting my time with bad teams GT Hdutch44 for inv
310 Looking for fresh run
Can you still get the Crux of Crota in HM?
Crota's End Hard Need 5 GT : XILE Sovereign
Lookin for 4 more people to do a fresh run on crota on hard msg Xtraa Snipez for an invite
Edited by KamikazeBunny96 : 10/31/2015 9:10:24 AMNeed 1 for Hard Oryx raid on Warpriest CP. Experience and apropriate light level is a must. Be chill. Titan preferred.. Gt same as user.
warlock311 with ToM lf Oryx CP hard. All strategies welcome. inv:"Pansen3000"
Need 2 310+ Titans for Oryx cp. Must have beaten it before. Gt ssame as above.
Crota's End Heroic Need 5 GT: XILE Sovereign
[Hard] Oryx Must have killed oryx with no knight strat before Higher than 310+ No Knight [u][b]Strat[/b][/u] Know how to run all positions, be experienced, and highly know the strat Msg me GT : SPIDRBITE No negative vibes.... Let's have fun killing this "God" ;)
GT: MasterAtreu 312 Titan LFG any checkpoint. Send invite:)
Looking for more for crota's end hard mode
[ORYX CP] Looking for Experienced Group Light 310+ GT:Jailbot5612 Nightstalker Lv40 Light312 Invite Me •Must Have Mics• (Online Now)
309 hunter pro sword bearer looking for crota cp. Invite me whenever. My status is set to offline
Doing crota hard at beidge cp message XxlebeauxX for invite
At Crota hard if you want to join msg Babyyman
Need 5 people for fresh hard. Need 2 defenders one warlock and 2 hunters. First come first serve. Must have black spindle and or ToM etc (good raid weapons essentially) Light = 306+ Must know what you're doing Gt as above msg me for invite. Oh and MUST BE ABLE TO DUEL WIELD GJALLYS
looking for crota cp invite me: TheSevenWinds
304 warlock with touch of malice, looking to do this anytime message or invite me