Vog normal. Lvl40/305 hunter Gt- itsDeven Need ntte quest
VOG Oracles CP Normal Message Me on Live for Invite GT : Brighton Wok
Need a team
Looking for Atheon cp 311 light 40 Titan w/ bubble Know what I'm doing
Edited by vxvX ZEUS Xvxv: 12/15/2015 3:39:46 AMNeed 3 for fresh run on normal msg in xbox one for invite.
We need at least 2-3 VOG normal. Just for fun! Got one new guy! "M16 Four Shot" message me and I'll invite you
Hi looking for 4 people to do raid normal my first time ever, my light level is 293.. so if anyone could help me please my gamertag is SHEFFBABYx please message for invite ..thankyou 😊
i have a hard gatekeeper cp if anyone wants to run it msg me!!!
Come join [b]The Founders of Destiny[/b] on Xbox A group where veteran players can get together and share our vast experiences of this wonderful game to other veterans and new players. Join up at http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1381524 "We were here from the beginning, and we will stay till the end"
d 3 for vault of glass
Looking to do fresh VoG run, add me or join me, GT same as above
Hunter 304 LF fresh start Gt same as above
Hunter 304 LF fresh start Gt same as above
313 hunter looking for Atheon cp for the quest GT: Anomaly VII
hosting vog run msg bunsupkneelin for invite I can beast mode the whole raid
normal vault of glass Need 4 gt army of destroy
Need 5 310 warlock looking to run vog for no time to explain. Message for invite or send invite of you have a party already
Need 4 Doing no time to explain Please message
Need 5 For no time to explain run msg gt above
313 Hunter LF Atheon. I Have cp 315 sleeper SIM Invite gt above Xbox one
Looking for VoG forno time to explain Inv HardcoreKid1101
Need 5 for a vog run message Zwnr for invite.
Need 3 people for fresh message for INV get same as above
Xbone - need 2 good experienced players for fresh run hard VOG. Going for glass minuet and no time to explain.
Need 4 for vault of glass fresh. Gt same as abobe
Need a team of 5 I guess to do the VOG raid for no time to explain quest! Have done this raidddddd sooooooooo many times back in year one.