Lf 2 msg zomboybeatdown for Invt
Looking for one or two to join me for a skolas run. I usually solo but tbh I'm tired and don't have the patience to solo right now. I'm a 319 Titan, msg on Xbox one for invite.
On round 3 of level 35. Need one GT: Brendan Krause
Need 2 for skolas message "achtung95"
Need 1 at skolas message GT above for inv
Need one for level 35 GT: Brendan Krause
Doing PoE 35 if interested message my GT above 🤔
316 warlock looking to run all Poes THEKRUMM
need 2 for skolas's revenge
Need two for POE/skolas
At skolas need 2 gt kstubba82
Need one...at skolas now..Gt DiggingCloud848
Need one...at skolas now..Gt DiggingCloud848
319 Titan looking to team msg fly86boy Do some 35
Looking to do a few Poe. Ranking up. Gt DiggingCloud848 Xbox1
Looking for 2 to do the 34 for strange coins and treasure keys, must have done it before, GT same as above
Need some people for level 35 message AssassinMundo for invite
Looking for a poe team to grind for coins. Msg/invite gt trentski82
318 walock looking to rank up house of judgment. Will be on most of the night. Gt DiggingCloud848
need one for skolas, doesn't matter about light
1 for Poe message me gt above
Need 1 for Poe Xbox 1 same gt msg for inv
318 walock looking to rank up house of judgment. Will be on most of the night. Gt DiggingCloud848
Can someone help me beat the lvl 28 poe
Need 2 for lvl 32 Poe Broken legion Msg XxBulls EyexX64 for invite
Need 2 for any prison of elders or skolas. Mssg oS Time to get started.