Need 3 people for fresh hard kings fall raid. Must be 306+ message ResidentKiller9 for invite.
Need 3 for hard crota crota cp msg gamerkin928 for inv Light-293 Titan
Got crota hard cp need one to help with his shield Xbox one gt:itsskieran
GT: Grim Rockets 302 hunter can run sword Looking to join at Crota hard
GT: Grim Rockets 302 hunter can run sword Looking to join at Crota hard
Need 3 for crota checkpoint message same gt as above
Got crota cp need one to help with his shield Xbox one gt:itsskieran
Looking to do Crota hard, I have the deathsinger (second last) checkpoint
Have final boss CP need one will take anyone GT: DoubleX DoubleE
Edited by STIN Diesel: 10/23/2015 3:26:54 AMCrota hard fresh need 1-2 people who know the raid, I can solo pretty much the entire raid so it won't take long Msg gt: stindawg
Need 2 for Crotas end.
Edited by rBayo 17: 10/23/2015 3:32:37 AMLooking for a fresh start crota 5 people if interested send me a messege to my gt xxSpeedyBossxx to be stared on friday around 5pm central
Need 5 for fresh run message Felixeatslsd on the one. At least 290 and one whole completion. Be familiar with the damn mechanics
Need 3 for fresh run messages for invite know what you are doing
Crota cp msg Try My Method for inv
309 titan looking for fresh run GT: Try My Method
Looking for fresh Crota run. Gamertag: Tamaku. Light level 306.
Need 5 for Crotas End hard mode 285+ light lvl preferred messege DJ JANZEENO
Inv dat20piece for fresh crota, trying to do flawless rAider
Crota hard need 3 Message Wantedbutter96 to get in on the action
Im a master with the sword 301 light jtmsl is gt
Need 1 more for totems. Experienced players only over level 300. Msg Superior Tyler for invite
Looking to do Crota on hard
Need three for fresh raid, must have Skype. Message Fnsy or Hvnty
Titan GT: wantedbutter96 Just up to raid, familiar with 'em all Any cp or fresh will do
Need 1 for fresh must no what ur doing Same gt as above