Need 1 for fresh must no what ur doing Same gt as above
Need 3 message Sin NF
Need 5 more for fresh crota. Start to finish. Message in game for inv. Rd mro chrome
Warlock looking to complete hard Crota end Have experience completing on hard and just looking to get crux of Crota item
Looking to join crota normal or hard fresh. Lvl 40 hunter light lvl 303. Gt FuZZyMike1331
Level 297 hunter EXPERIENCED have zaoulis babe, midhas reckoning, flayer cape Gt: theBungPuncher
I have a Crota's End hard final checkpoint, msg ShifyFreakDog if you would like to join (also i need a sword bearer)
Still here
Looking to join crota normal or hard fresh. Lvl 40 hunter light lvl 303. Gt FuZZyMike1331
Looking to do crotas end fresh
Looking to do crota checkpoint. Anyone with crota cp, invite me GT: Wilsoc1
I'm lb 40 need help with crotas end I'm staring fresh
I can help with crotas end never done it before though 295 warlock R3DEYE JEDI 91
Hunter lokking 4 group
300 plus titan looking to do fresh raid. Msg on Xbox or invite
Need three for fresh run on easy. Msg ThirteenYak for invite. It's my first time so I would need help
I'm not new to destiny by any means. I stopped playing because all my friends didn't play but if I knew about this big community of people who love this game the way I do then I would have never stopped. Im looking for a clan that wont mind doing all the raids and team quest I can handle. Never done a raid before getting very excited about this whole new world. Pacific standard time Xbox 1 message me back if interested
307 light warlock highly experienced with the touch of malice looking for oryx MSG: MaFiiA Fuze
305 Hunter Experienced swordbearer Crota CP Hard Invite me
Need two 300+ for raid. Message TBKxTwisted with light lvl for invite. Call him daddy, he loves that!
299 warlock, doing way more damage then most of my fireteam members almost always. GT: [b]We Are Grooot[/b]
CROTAS END NORMAL FRESH, fun run NEED 4 message disi1274
Crota checkpoint hunter, 279 light. Gt :Xrystals
Looking for 5 people to do the raid. Have not done this raid before looking for people to do it.
302 titan lf crota cp just need ghost willing to help finish can swordbear
Need 5 for fresh msg ThatPick6Tho