Looking to join at any point. Invite GT and I'll join
Need 5 for fresh gamertag is the same
Need 4 for fresh vog run for NTTE, will take any checkpoint as well. Message or invite coderastaman420 on xboxone
Need a team for VOG no time to explain quest on xbone Msg HaloFreek640
Need a team for VOG no time to explain quest on xbone Msg HaloFreek640
308 hunter looking for atheon cp for quest. Gt is name
Need 5 for fresh VOG message prime748 for invite
Looking for 4 for VOG normal this is my 3rd run So this is my 3rd character Only 287 light on this character but main is 313 Msg me on xbx 1 for inv Gt same as above
Lfg vog fresh or any cp GT same as above
Looking forward to beat VOG just for the No Time To Explain Bounty! Message me for invite
Looking for 5 people for golgoroth cp msg vtypoz -Can do challenge if everyone wants -be experienced
Looking forward to beat VOG just for the No Time To Explain Bounty! Message me for invite
Willing to do VOG on Easy Fresh on Xbox One. Send invite request to above gamer tag.
Need 2 for fresh vog to get No Time To Explain. Msg sr tripsalot for inv
NTTE quest help 314 warlock Xbox 1
2 317's looking for Atheon if close to.
Looking to do VOG any GT : TheBeastIsNear I'm 317 Titan
Looking to join a group at Atheon. 316 warlock. gt: metalkid119
Need 4 for vault of glass for the No time to Explain questline. Send Rq Notajetski a message for invite
315 Hunter very experienced with VoG. Looking for anyone with Atheon or Gatekeeper CP (For No Time To Explain) GT : barnzy87
Looking for an atheon checkpoint! 317 warlock and 314 Titan! We have the no time to explain quest!!
Need to do vog message gt above for an invite need 5
Message Dirty Jerzy 12 Say hey you love dudes balls in your face I'm a 319 I'll help you do the raid if you do
Need 4 for fresh VOG (Normal) Helping out a friend / anyone is welcome Gt. Malchymore
Need 2 for VOG run no time to explain, GT above message on live for invite
Need 2 for VOG run no time to explain, GT above message on live for invite