Need 5 for fresh msg ThatPick6Tho
Crota cp, need 4
Looking to run Crotas end both normal and hard. Please message me if willing to join me.
303 Hunter Experienced swordbearer Message me for invite
300+ Hunter, with TOM looking to help teams on any checkpoint, please invite me Gt same as above
Looking for 1 or 2 for fresh run on hard Gt PreExpose
Anyone wanna hop in and kill crota for shits and giggles msg me. Im at crota!
Need 4 for fresh crota. Msg me in game.
Need 5 for Crota hard fresh message for invite gt same as above
Need 300+ for golgie. Must be experienced. Mic required. Msg for inv. Gt above.
304 warlock at oryx cp looking for 1 gt above
Running Crota fast 3 times message me for invite I can run sword, taking anyone no requirements. Gt Mr Shiggles
Need two for fresh run. Must be 290 light or higher and know what you're doing. Msg me for an invite.
Running Crota fast 3 times message me for invite I can run sword, taking anyone no requirements. Gt Mr Shiggles
Edited by Wilsoc: 10/17/2015 6:14:45 PMIf anyone has crota checkpoint invite me. GT: Wilsoc1 I'm 307 light, invite me only if you have crota checkpoint.
Lookin for 5 more players to do crota cp msg Xtraa Snipez for an invite
At crota CP need 1-3 players. Message GT: Peoplops for invite
Edited by TheGuyMetro: 10/17/2015 4:09:07 PMNeed 3 for hard fresh gt is the same
Crota hard anybody Redbaltsssc
306 Hunter looking to do Crota hard, fresh or crota cp. GT: Peoplops
Get censay Xb1 Inv me
Lookin for 5 more players to do crota hard fresh run msg Xtraa Snipez for an invite
Looking to do hard raid. Light level 296. Message gt same as above.
302 hunter lf crota run gt hallowedmacedon
Warlock light 303, I'd like to run crotas end on hard, pm cheetablaze
Only need 1-2 Message on Live with "Crota" & light level [b](Note: the "L" in my GT is an "i")[/b] Even if you can't do it now, add me for future raids!! It's hard to find people for Crota & VoG anymore :(