Want too do spindle run gt as above
306 warlock lfg for black spindle GT: same Invite plz
305 Titan need to or invite GT- TG Authentic
Trying to get a ship gt above 314 Hunter
Message me for inv need one more
Need 2 310+ for spindle, message me on here
Need 2 more for BS. Msg: Grimmillertime
Need 1 msg for invite
Need one. GT same
Need 2 for black spindle msg for inv
Need 2 for black spindle or can join. 314 hunter
310 warlock and 313 hunter looking for one more Gt: Letybug497
318 and 316 hunter looking for a 3rd for he mission, leavea message on the app as xbox is having issues
Need 2 for spindle mission message Pitney 92
318 warlock looking for team. Xbox is having issues so just send game invite gt is same as above
Need 2 for spindle of invite me 305 Titan GT- TG Authentic
Need 1 message alph4 as5as5in
304 Titan to get the Black Spindle, message Teklz or Invite.
The xbox is giving me some issues ask for a inv on the app and will get to you asap. 2 for spindle
317 hunter need 2 for spindle message UniT Thwaitesy
316 titan looking to do black spindle gt same as above
307 titan looking for spindle team inv Tabz x cryptic
302 warlock looking to do black spindle inv alph4 as5as5in or put you Gt below and I will message you
Need 2 for Black spindle msg on destiny app and I will invite. Xbox is giving me some issues
Need 2 315+ for a quick run
Farming Strange Coins/Exotics in PoE 35 316 Warlock Message GT above for invite