Looking for 2 to do the daily and get the ghosts message EpicJ2012 for invite
1 for ghosts in daily
305 titan for paradox
311 warlock lf 2 for ntte on paradox. Need ghosts. Send inv to gt above
Looking for 2 lee of d lungs
Need 2 for the daily heroic if you wanna get the no time to explain exotic pulse rifle
Any of you interested in joining a sparrow racing clan if so please follow this link https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1372598
310 titan and 314 warlock looking to do the daily for the black spindle
Edited by Atomitus: 12/6/2015 7:36:21 PMLooking for anything to get my light up currently 272 want to get to 290 for raids. Would do nightfall if someone was desperate. Gt same as above
316 Titan LFG Nightfall Gtag Outlaw0fTorn
315 titan looking for a team
Need a team to help to get my alt a spindle
Need for for spindle 316 hunter 303 titan Gt Spc Tz
308 warlock looking for 2 for spindle. Inv hollyhoodnva
303 Titan for Spindle. Inv.
318 and 315 looking for 1 more to do spindle
305 titan for spindle run .... gt above
Edited by FallenAngel7078: 12/6/2015 11:44:05 AMLooking for a group to run the daily for the black spindle, msg FallenAngel7078 Lvl 40/ light 309 Hunter
Daily Heroic-Looking for 2 more or an Invite to ur party. Gamertagg---> o iB OutLaw o
Daily Heroic-Looking for 2 more or an Invite to ur party. Gamertagg---> o iB OutLaw o
Touch of malice strike please help
Need 1 more msg me on xb
Looking for two for daily
Up for heroic strikes? Msg gt: DalDestructo for an inv ;)
Anyone up for grinding heroic strikes? Msg gt: DalDestructo for an inv :)
Anyone up for grinding heroic strikes? Msg gt: DalDestructo for an inv :)