Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
Lets do this msg dip and squeeze
304 Hunter invite me :)
Started crota end HARD only right now send msg for invt early worm gets the bird yeah I said that backwards I know
On bridge send msg for invite Hard crota only
Edited by Macedonian King: 10/7/2015 10:02:44 PM295 hunter crota cp gt hallowedmacedon
Lvl 299 hunter looking for any cp and friendly gamers because my Mics broke but I can hear u and know what's going on and yes I've done the raid before SEND INV TO nolimitsx22
Need 4 for fresh run. Message oOmacboyOo on Xbox for an invite
I need help with crota normal i have no gear just trying to get some u can check me out on ps4 i have everything gamertag liteliteROLLTIDE need help on xbox one fresh run i know what im doing just need help add agonyRedemption
Looking to do hard crota fresh run invite me GT is same as above
Edited by Dresho: 10/6/2015 6:28:03 AMLooking for people to do crota's end raid. Gt is Dresho message me. Crota check point, just need people.
If anyone's running a fresh Inv me gt same
Crota fresh run hard need 3. Join CAPT RAZIEL RAZ
Need 4 more players for crota hard fresh run msg xI K1LL 4 FUN for an invite
Need 5 for a fresh run gt same as above
Need 3 for crota cp hard. Gt hexic420
Looking for some help Crota's end normal. lvl 34 warlock light 168 GT sirrockrrd
On crota cp. Need people to finish it. Gt is dresho. Message me in game.
Need 1 experienced players from Hogarth gt crazycassata80