Anyone up for grinding heroic strikes? Msg gt: DalDestructo for an inv :)
Edited by CapoeiraBen: 12/4/2015 3:18:33 AMI need 2 people to help me on the daily. I'm at the end. It should be an easy win.
300 titan looking for people to do daily gt: AARCH69
Nitefall need 1
If anyone wants to run daily I'm running it now. Gt is hoosierhoopsndw on Xbox one. I'm a 302 titan. Message me and I will invite.
Need 2 at Oryx. GT is xxGRIFFCORExx on Xbox One
Edited by GREENGOOSE J08: 12/3/2015 5:44:00 AM317 warlock Need one at skolas message Gt greengoose j08 for invite
317 warlock Need two at skolas message Gt greengoose j08 for invite
Warlock level 310 looking to join Nightfall.
301 Titan inv for black spindle
Tether hunter 302 light, please help
Im a 299 with touch of malice is there anyway i can get a team to help me get black spindle, message SeAnZyYyYyY if you can help. i will return the favor
Doing nightfall x3. Need 2. All characters are 315+
315 hunter looking for spindle mission experienced only please. Invite KMA Iron Giant
Doing daily looming for secrets, on xb1 gt the same if you want to join send message
Need 2 for spindle msg BERINGER 3 for invite
Need team for the spindle 302 hunter gt mrkentucky502
Need 1 for spindle
Need one for black spindle. Have team of 300+. Message karggen
307 Hunter need 2 more people to help me message xV4LxISxL3G3NDx
305 Titan looking for help with black spindle. Xbox1 GT: Cyclone61
Need 1 nightfall Xbox 1
NEED ONE FOR SPINDLE Xbox one Msg cdn bacon 5
Need 2 for black spindle
Need one for black spindle
Need help with daily 295 Hunter Invite CaptnStackEm Please be 300+