Need 5 for no time to explain quest on Xbox one message HARRYR0CKS for an inv and the o in rocks is a zero.
Looking for 5 people to do vog Or if someone has atheon inv me plz my gt is Gt: x Hawaiian Kush
301 hunter need atheon cp
296 hunter lfg for VOG. Gt same
312 sunsinger warlock looking to either find a team for Vault of Glass or join up with one for the "no time to explain" quest. Ive got a working mic so i ask that you do too Message/invite gt above
300+ warlock looking for atheon cp or anything past oracles Gt same as above
313 Hunter looking for atheon for fun, I'll run relic if needed and have a Gally if needed
Need 3 for fresh normal
Looking for 5 fresh run
Edited by jdjenkins: 11/11/2015 2:22:42 AM308 Titan looking for Atheon cp
2 looking for Atheon or close to it.
Level40(301) hunter Looking for Atheon cp but will also do fresh No time to explain quest GT same as above Inv??
Need 4 for VOG normal. Gt same as above.
Need 3 more for VoG we have 2 310's and a 302 GT XxRANGERxxUPxX
Lfg Preferably Atheon cp 313 Titan Shoot me inv my gt is same as above
Need 1 vault of glass just before atheon if any one is at the same point in the quest. Message GT as above cheers
Looking to join in on vault of glass normal. Xbox one Tag urowner83 Lvl 298 hunter with sleeper
Edited by zero no sekai: 11/10/2015 6:25:30 PM309 warlock looking for atheon cp Gt same
Looking for Atheon cp Inv Gt same 310 hunter
Lfg message for invite
Looking for team for VoG normal. 304 hunter. Invite me or send msg. GT is Master Tjou
Need 4 more Atheon raid mess for invite
Staring Atheon raid mess for invite
Please invite me 303 Titan for vog normal
Looking to do vog for no time to explain 311hunter GT above
315 warlock JOK3R OF CHAOS