Need 1 for spindle. Almost 2 man it. Message on Xbox for invite
Does anyone know of you can grind this daily for the ship?
314 Titan. Need 2 310+. Starting asap. Message for invite.
Need help on night fall and 282 warlock looking for 2 people
302 warlock looking for 2 to do black spindle mission [b]message for invite[/b] [u]gamertag same as above [/u]
311 titan at grav lift. I have Black Spindle, I just want the ship. Prefer people who have done it before or at least come close. GT OurWildebeest
Looking for 2 for black spindle. 304 hunter never tried it before. GT same as above. Msg or invite please.
Need 2 For black spindle 310 plus gt^
Need one for spindle Xbox one atleast 295+
316 Warlock need 2 310 plus for spindle mission
Need 2 over 300 for black spindle. Msg: its axelyates ...For invite.
Looking for one person above 300 for black spindle msg Shotgun Sam 99 for inv
Have a 310 titan and 315 hunter need one more for black spindel mission message gt TeZzAa13
Send us an inv. XBOX ONE GT: Bogart xJ Light: 308 Warlock. I have ToM. I have a mic. Anyone help out with the Black spindle "lost to light" can give rewards to those who help £$£$
Anyone help out with the Black spindle "lost to light" can give rewards to those who help £$£$
Need one for black spindle
317 Titan lf black spindle
looking for a group doing spindle, have touch of malice. invite SeAnZyYyYyY
317 Titan lf black spindle team
Looking for a team, 305 storm caller. Xbox one.
317 warlock available to help, GT same as name
Need 2 312+ for black spindle Message Archaos123 for invite! (XB1)
Need 2 312+ for black spindle Message Archaos123 for invite! (XB1)
Xbox One. 315 Titan and a 313 warlock, both done this before, looking for one more Titan to get this done. Need 311plus for damage modifier with defender class and exotic sword. Message me I'll invite you "Dr Chocolate 2U"
Need 1 for black spindle message RedSpartanChris