Need 1 for black spindle message RedSpartanChris
Need 1 for black spindle. At the elevator ready to go. Gt is the same
Need one message ReZ Damaged
eed 2 people for nightfall! On my third character have black spindle Tom and sleeper msg me for inv! Gt same as above!
Looking for a team for some PoE Msg L U C III F 3 R
Need 1 for nightfall, 305+ Im 316 light GT: im the prophet4 Message for invite
Lookin for someone to help me out with the paradox secret ultra, at the ultra, msg for invite gt same as above
Anyone want to help with Paradox? Msg me for invite. Gt ^
308 hunter looking for a nightfall on Xbox one Gt:same
Need 2 to help with arc exotic sword Misson need 2 msg gt above for invite on xb1
Need 2 for black spindle 300+
316 titan looking for team for black spindle mission 310+ please
Need help on daily heroic at the last step fighting onyx gt Baker143658 for invite
Red help with fears embrace mission msg me
Need 2 for nightfall message me to join gt same above 300+
Looking for 2 to do daily secret mission in paradox msg for invite
need 2 mssg JFX GAMING
Last mission on touch of malice. Help!
Doing omnigul strike for grasp of merok pulse rifle Must have TTK and be light 280+ Xbox one
312 titan looking for nightfall run. GT same as above.
Need 2. Msg Gt manic martian in game for inv
312 titan lf team gt same
303 titan LF NF...and x3 heroic strikes...fast runs. Gt same
Secret mission paradox 310 hunter Msg or inv GT tyboss1234
Anybody to help with the daily heroic secret on paradox. GT same as above
Need help on daily herioc secret ghost mission gt mrkentucky502