Fresh crota run on normal easy an quick
Lvl 40 warlock Invite me
Need 5 more palyrrs for crota hard fresh run msg Xtraa Snipez for inv
Looking for crota hard fresh start Level 40 warlock 289 light Invite gt. The Clutch Shot
Need 1 or 2 for crota, on bridge.
Any one trying to do a crota hard fresh run Pc sid3wayz
Looking to run fresh raid level 40 titan invite DiabolusStoner
Looking to do raid on hard, Needing 5 people and it done fast.
Need 2 for fresh, message me on xbox for invite
We need 4 more for Crota. GT is the same as above
On a Crota raid bridge cp , message xminimedicx for invite .
Need 3 for hard crota must have good rockets we're on bridge message me for an inv gt same as above
Beat the raid. Need to do it again fresh run. Need some people. With light lvl 290 and high lvl sniper. Message wolfknight201
Have Crota cp need Titan and swordberrier msg me for invite gt same as above
Looking for any "experienced" KF groups Light 294 bubble with weapons of light Titan invite me Gt ll AFTER SH0CK I have full raid experience
Need 4 people to do raid level 34 to 40
Need 1 34 to 40 know what your doing mics hard fresh gt^
Need 4 34 to 40 know what your doing mics and one to run sword
Looking for 4 to do fresh raid normal . Must have a mic and must be level 34 and must know how to do the entire Raid. Msg gt above for inv
Need four more to do crota on hard. At crota cp. message Callum Hazelden for inv. We have sword bearer.
Need 5 for hard crota bridge cp
Second bridge hard message Wing Of Whiskey for an invite
Lvl 40 Titan with ghalla, invite me!
Edited by RUSTEDEMBRACE: 9/21/2015 3:30:14 AMLooking for 4 players [b][u]CROTA HARD[/u][/b] Have sword runner Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b] on [b][u]XBOX ONE[/u][/b]
Sword bearer With deep internal hatred for crota Whoring his abilities to all Inv oblongsounds Death singer or crota cp will be favored
Need 4 for hard Croat msg me for inv must be 250 light or higher and gt same as above