Need help on daily herioc secret ghost mission gt mrkentucky502
Need help on daily heroic secret mission gt mrkentucky502
300 hunter gt xXXxRMxXXx
ivite slimkitten180
Need 2 for ghosts message for inv
Titan looking for daily.
If you need one invite me Lt Absul
Need two to help with no time to explain boss. Paradox mission message Lt Absul for invite
need to that know were they are slimkitten180
need 2 slimkitten180 must know were the ghost are
Xbox one. 303 lok with Tom and 310 stare Looking for alt ending on daily Inv: heartsorelion11
307 hunter. Need help with paradox. Send message to Rog1025
Looking to help anyone on Xbox One who's trying to start the No Time To Explain quest with the Paradox mission. GT: SlamlosHalo94
Looking for a hunter w tether and exotic sword who doesnt mind helping me farm omnigul for a bit. Message for inv. Gt: o Andre o Thx!(:
Need team to complete paradox. Invite Rog1025
Daily Heroic invite or message to be invited warlock 295 gt- Flat 3 Pukks
Daily need help
Need 2 people for the daily Msg goldrankryan123 I'm a light level 306 hunter
Need 2 for court Timmymallet888
314 warlock need two for nightfall send message or invite
Need help with daily
Need team for court of oryx have all runes msg for inv!!!!
Lf2m for 3 nightfalls my characters are all 315+
Need 1 for nightfall
Need help with daily Lvl 278 Titan
Need 2 for fast heroic strikes tryin get dead orbit quest done message gamertag above