Need 2 for fast heroic strikes tryin get dead orbit quest done message gamertag above
Need 2 for fast heroic strikes tryin get dead orbit quest done message gamertag above
298 warlock needing 2 for nightfall. Message Bringmethybooty for invite
Need help with fears embrace ToM quest. Need 2 gt same as above
292 lock need 2 for daily no mic gt: AARCH69
311 hunter for nightfall
Looking for one with a exotic sword
Need 1 for daily GT same
Need 2 for daily
Need 2 for daily.
300 hunter looking to do black spindle: obsidian prime6
I need help with the final touch of malice mission if someone would be so nice. X box one. GT rosscop007
Can someone please help me get the black spindle!! Have tried a couple times but no success. Light 300 hunter Xbox one Tag urowner83
Need one more for this, already at the taniks part. Send me a message for an invite. Gt: RamguxD
297 hunter looking for group to do spindle. Xbox one
Need one more 295+ Add ZeEpsilon
Need one more for spindle run. Gt same as above
306 hunter for spindle
306 Hunter LF Black Spindle. Invite Felsy5
Looking to do daily heroic
308 titan looking for team for black spindle GT BeatleGoose
Lvl 40 Hunter 300 light looking to get the black spindle.GT zoohu
Need 1 more for black spindle on Xbox one. 310 + Msg my gt for invite.
296 stormcaller and first timer. Send me a message/invite?
312 warlock looking for team. Invite chuck8404. Can't chat my gf is sleeping
295 warlock inv gt above