Invite me for any Hard cp normal is for noobs
Looking for 2-3 people for VOG NTTE mission GT Shotta Messiah 310 Warlock Let's knock it out quick!
306 warlock GT is TwistedSigmaHD
Need people for vog Send for invite GT : AVERYtimewolf
Hunter looking to do atheon Invt Speedyfir31
Need 4 for normal vault
ATHEON CHECK POINT !! Who's gonna help me drop him ? I need this no time to explain gun for trials message me on Xbox one only for invite GT: wastedtrooper83
307 Titan looking for normal oryx or daughters cp. I have malice. Looking for serious team to get it done quickly. Msg me
Need 4 for vog Message slipprysquirrel on Xbox for invite
305 Hunter looking for Atheon cp or close to it
Need 5 for big on normal Fresh or any cp if you have one 300 Hunter GT:FUZZBAL98
Need 2 vog Msg gt
300 titan looking to join atheon cp for eye of atheon quest. Gt same Inv me plz
Need 3 for fresh run
Edited by GanjaNinja92: 11/2/2015 6:11:34 AMNeed 1 atheon cp hard
Need 5 for fresh run. Msg king koval for inv
302 titan and 306 titan both with Sleeper for any CP or fresh. Invite Kevin Sirst 2
311 warlock looking for looking for a team gt savagewolf909
Hosting a fresh run for no time to explain msg "vs serg" for a inv
Gt j15hua 310 warlock Looking for any cp or fresh run No time to explain bounty Message or invite
NO TIME TO EXPLAIN Need 3 VoG fresh run
314 looking for VoG run
Looking for Atheon checkpoint. I've been through this raid a million times. Gt is King Burnx
Need one for fresh quick run for no time to explain quest
310 Titan looking for Atheon checkpoint. I've done this a million times, please have experience and know what to do. Gt is King Burnx
311 hunter for any cp invite DeLuzions x