34 Hunter Lf fresh Experienced,all raid weapons,team player,lots of completions (most on hard),can run sword,cheese knowledge,promise I won't die :D Message or invite Gt-f1owo1f
34 hunter. Gt same as name. Looking to run crota hard.
Have 3 34s for fresh hard crota. Message me on xbox or invite. Have mics and ghally. Gamer tag is EVOL Drunkelf.
Need 2 more crota cp hard
Looking for 5 for Crota hard. must be lvl 32+. 160+ light. And mic. Gt same as above
Need 3 for hard run just be able to listen have and have a mic.. We can carry. Message me for invite Gt Mr Shiggles
Lvl 34 titan looking to do crota hard invite zZNo RemorseZz must be at the end
Need 2
hosting fresh crota hard raid fast run need 2 send solidGERMAN a message for invite [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler]
34 swordbeare helping out invit only if you need me to run sword gamer tag same as above
Bubble Titan looking to join crota cp invite Feared Tyranny
Edited by JG Graffiti: 9/15/2015 4:53:43 AMLL: 170 Warlock looking to join a Fireteam to complete Crota CP on hard. GT: JG Graffiti
Need three at bridge.
34 Hunter for Crota
34 Hunter 169 Light Helping anyone at Crota CP Experienced Swordbearer. Invite me.
Need 4 for ir yut save hard, message silly slaking for invite
Looking for 4 lvl 34s for Crota cp. both have maxed gjallahorns. Messg About69babbies for inv
34 Hunter 169 Light Helping anyone at Crota CP Experienced Swordbearer. Invite me.
Need 4 at Crota cp reply back
Need 5 at Crota cp message me GT same
Need 5 at Crota cp message me GT same
Need 5 at Crota cp must have a mic and light level 170 message me GT same
Need 4 for Crota cp hard message for invite
Running a fresh hard Crota run. Need 3 people. Message me for inv. Gt is same as above