I need to grind for strange coins. Who's down to join? Msg/invite gt trentski82
Need 2 for Skolas msg Gt above for inv
Still need one for lvl35 mssg for inv
Need one for skolas
Need one more for 35 run
Looking to run lvl35 poe im 310 hunter
Need 2 to farm strange coins in POE
Looking to do skolas Send me a message Gt is the same
34 hunter need to do 34 or 35 PoE inv killbot419
Looking for 1 skolas Gt is the same
Looking for 1 skolas Gt is the same
Looking for 1 skolas Gt is the same
Looking for 1 skolas Gt is the same
Looking for 1 skolas Gt is the same
Skolas run? Gt above
Any one up for 32, 34, and the skolas Gt same as above
Skolas Xbox one 300+ Gt Ruffy60
Looking to run Skolas. Anyone welcome! Would like to have someone that has done it before or that knows the mechanics of his fight. GT same as above. Message for invite or invite me.
318 warlock with oryx cp looking for a team to run challenge mode need at least 2 Titans and everyone must know what to do wanna get this done first try!
Poe 34 message shugontop
Looking for squad Message veziina for invite.
Need 1 gt same as name.
Need 1 for skolas. Add BalHarbourNinja xbox1.
Need 2 players for level 34! Poe
Need 1 for PoE 34 GT bludragon360
Anyone for skolas?