Need help for undying mind msg Im Flinjy
Need 1 for help with undying mine
Anyone have charged agonarch rune? Or skyburner security pass? Or key of EIR?
Need help on ToM Fears embrace please help me out gt Lm the MVP
Need help on the strike for tfm Need two plz
Can someone help me do the last mission before tom
Need one good player who barely got destiny for refer a friend quests I still haven't found anyone to earn these exclusive rewards so please some one help me out Message me for invite gt same as above
Need help on final mission for ToM, im at the end part. Message coderastaman420 for inv. Please and thank you, i appreciatr any help i can get.
Need help for the mission msg Teamint.
Need help for the mission.
Outside last room in Fear's Embrace (270), could use 2
Need a few people to do court or orxy with I am a 316 that wants a tom please be a desent light xb1
Undying Mind Need 2 Msg Sukotto50 for invite
I just turned in the essence of the feast what do I do now?
Need one or two to help with the hunger pangs mission for touch of malice. Already at the boss. Message xTheDudeHimself for invite. Mic just broke today but well be fine
Need 2 for spindle. Already have it just want to get the ship.
Need 2 for antiquated rune gt same
Need 2 for fears embrace mission GT same
Need two for the fears embrace mission
on the final quest fears embrace, plz help if you can. GT same as above.
I need help with 'The Old Hunger' quest line (basically need a team of 5 to finish King's Fall) (p.s I've never completed the raid before) Message GT: A Quashie
GT Thug Up x2o9x 306 Titan defender Need help beating fears embrace msg me if ur available
Looking for spme partners to finish the last 2 quests for the touch of malace. Mist have 45 calcified frags :)
On last mission with 45 cal frags... Need help with fears embrace and final boss, the wizard. Message on live please. Same account
I need help on the last mission where you fight to echo of oryx
Need help with mission on last step i dont have mic sry plz be 305+ but there will be exception