Need 1 for black spindle mission, message: QuiCk SpaNk
Need 2 for spindle. I'm a 310 warlock send message or invite to OmG SelfRes. I wanna get this done
300 hunter with bolt caster lfg spindle
Need 2 stormcaller would be ideal but not necessary No Mic
Need 2 for black spindle 305+ send msg to get above for invite
312 Hunter with bolt caster looking to join a team for black spindle invite me GT: IceNineKillz69
Need two for black spindle! Need two that knows what they are doing!
Looking for 1 more to help with black spindle
Need 2 for nightfall MSG SKILLSDATKILLZ1
Need 1 for black spindle mission, message: QuiCk SpaNk
302 warlock looking for group GT: deth lizard
312 Hunter with bolt caster looking to join a team for black spindle message me for invite GT: IceNineKillz69
311 Hunter Somebody help me finally get it. Message R I P Snap Jr in game
Helping people do black spindel all day today go to twitch.tv/xxitsjohnnyxx for help dont not msg me on here ill help everyone on my stream see you there
Need 1 for black spindle
312 looking for team to do black spindle GT above
312 Hunter with bolt caster looking to join a team for black spindle invite me GT: IceNineKillz69
311 hunter looking for daily/black spindle team. Inv GT above. Thanks.
Need 1 more for black spindle must haveexperience message for invite
311 Hunter Somebody help me finally get it. Message R I P Snap Jr in game
Need 1 more for Black Spindle 300+ msg me gt ^
313 titan trying to get the black spindle. Gt is same plz have experience
Lf 1 more NF Gt mandoevox
312 Hunter with bolt caster exotic sword and sleeper simulant looking to do the daily heroic for black spindle invite me please GT: IceNineKillz69
Looking for a black spindle team. 312 hunter with bolt caster
Edited by AdvxL: 11/12/2015 9:51:05 PM312 hunter looking for 2 for black spindle i already have it. Im just going for the ship. I know a quick am east strategy to beat it we just need a titan. Message gt above for inv