Need a titan or hunter for daily
lf 1 more for black spindle
Need 2 for spindle. I'm a 310 warlock send message or invite to OmG SelfRes
305 titan for black spindle Need 2 Heartsorelion11
lashed1 let's do this
lashed1 just wanna get this done.
Need 1 for black spindle msg for inv GT same as above
308 Titan lfg. I've done this quest before. Gt same
Hard oryx no knight 310+
305 hunter lF black spindle group gt above
Need 1 for black spindle quest. In the mission right before we have to run up to the ketch. XB1 GT: IrritatedJeans
Need 1 prefer a hunter message above
305 warlock Looking for 2 for black spindle Message me for invite
308 hunter invite Doworkjrob
310 warlock for spindle mission, I have done this before on another profile. Invite me on xbl "Dr Chocolate 2U" be 305 plus pls
310 warlock for spindle mission, I have done this before on another profile. Invite me on xbl "Dr Chocolate 2U" be 305 plus pls
313 warlock looking for a team to get the black spindle gt same as above xbox 1
305 titan Looking for black spindle Heartsorelion11
Need 2 for the black spindle quest. Message me for an invite
309 Titan looking to join team for b spindle invite sergeant scrote
[quote]Welcome to Daily Heroic Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future. Post Your ~ Level/Light ~ Type ~ Weapons ~ Gamer Tag Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :) P.s. I'm always running Raids, daily's, NightFalls, Weekly's, PoE's so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out! GamerTag ~ PRESIDENTFAMOUS Profiles ~ Lvl 40/ Light 293 ~ Hunter ~ Lvl 40/ Light 275 ~ Warlock ~ Lvl 40/ Light 271 ~ Titan I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance! ~ Famous 8 ~https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/492546 ~ Easy way to find us.[/quote] 301 warlock I'm look for weekly nf
I'm a 311 Titan willing to help other get black spindle. Done this already, GT: Facial Shot
299 looking for an invite to join black spindle invite DARKPUFFPUFF thanks
307 hunter looking for black spindle quest. Invite gamertag Drewgenie.
Light 304 Titan looking for a group to join. Gamertag's same as above
304 warlock looking for black spindle group Gt same inv me