304 warlock looking for black spindle group Gt same inv me
307 hunter looking for black spindle quest. Invite gamertag Drewgenie.
Need 1 on Xbox 1 for spindle run. Be 300+ msg gt same as above with class and level
311 Hunter. GT same as username
Need 1 msg gt kingrichardo87 with class and level. Be 300+
Need 2 to finish the mission and get the spindle. Currently waiting just before the Baxx fight Message Irritatedjeans XB1
Gt is username message for inv for black spindle daily
305 warlock looking for invite to get black spindle Gt same
309 Titan need help with black spinal msg sergeant scrote for inv - xbox 1
Need 2, msg me on xbox one for invite
Edited by Trashbaggin 101: 11/12/2015 9:04:26 PM304 hunter looking for spindle group. Gt:iRubTrouts
1 needed for the daily to get the black spindle message gt SpiderMan616XD for invite
313 warlock looking for a team to get the black spindle gt same as above xbox 1
[quote]315 warlock looking to do this mission. Send invite or reply here. Xbox one...
Need 1 305+ for black spindle. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for daily on Xbox one 305+ light msg for inv GT:ColossusPhantom MAX Raze lighter is a requirement
Edited by Cove: 11/12/2015 9:00:39 PM313 hunter message me if you want to get black spindle: Closed: full
305 Titan looking for group Xbox 1. GT: R0cketScientist The 0 is a Zero.
1 needed for daily message gt SpiderMan616XD for invite
308 Titan looking to get the black spindle
307 hunter looking for black spindle. Invite gamertag Drewgenie.
Invite I'm level 304 hunter
313 warlock looking for a team to get the black spindle gt same as above xbox 1
315 warlock looking for group for spindle.
277 titan lf spindle group. Gt justcallmeG85
Need 2, 290+, have a Mic, message me for invite, xbox one