A 300 hunter looking for atheon cp, I am experienced and have sleeper Sim. Trying to do a quest step
At gate keeper checkpoint.
Need 2 for Atheon msg gt above for an invite
Need 1 more good player for a fresh run going for the flawless raider achievement gt is the same
Need 2 good players fresh run going for the flawless raider achievement gt is the same
Need 3 good players going for the flawless raider achievement gt is the same
Need three more for raid. At jumpy puzzle. GT: itzzDefalt
Lfg 302 titan, any cp. Invite DGKpleadwell
Need 2 for vog message sketchyfox94 Xbox one
309 Titan looking to do nightfall need 1 message silver stories !!
309 Titan looking to do nightfall on 3 characters need 2 gt silver stories
Invite for vog doing quest
Need any cp for exotic quest
295 titan looking for any checkpoint. Please invite me. My gt is ClassicalLmc
295 titan looking for any checkpoint. Please invite me. My gt is ClassicalLmc
Need two for Atheon cp on normal. Message me gt above
Doing a fresh VoG, NORM mode just to smash it real quick. Message IBlaziin INugzz for an inv
Need 2 for vault of glass normal. Starting fresh. Gamer tag is shadow killer33
Need two big normal now Msg wolfsbane1452
306 warlock looking to do vog inv themadxxhatter
2 people looking for VoG Message me @ TheRedGladiator
304 hunter fresh or check. Gt cyborghamst3r
Anyone wanna do VoG then oryx msg me gt carnage fusion
Hosting VoG Atheon msg MotiveImpact437 for inv.
307 Titan, 304 and 305 warlocks looking for Atheon CP. Experienced VoG raiders.
Need to do vog fir No Time To Explain. Please invite fir fresh or checkpoint. 305 titan