light lvl 287 titan looking for 2 teammates for paradox mission on xb1. gt same as above
light lvl 287 titan looking for 2 teammates for paradox mission on xb1. gt same as above
Need 2 for daily gt above
300 warlock looking for group to get ghosts message me on Xbox gt above
Skolas lvl 35 PoE. GT same as above
Need 1 Gt^ for inv xbx1
Need 2 for the black garden mission message rooniiy
Edited by Worthywildfire: 11/5/2015 8:28:57 PMNeed 2 for Paradox Daily. Message Worthywildfire for invite.
I'm on the last part of the daily trying to get the cult ghost need help gt^
Need 2 for paradox mission message kevcg12 for invite
Need 2 for daily
Smasht42 309 titan
Need one more for no time to explain quest part one
LFG for first step of quest. Daily. Gt same as name.
At the Minotaur, msg for invite. Gt is the same as above
Looking for a couple to do paradox mission gt same
Hosting daily story Need 2 300+ Msg N for Nero
Looking for 2 for entire mission. Message oblongsounds for inv (x box 1)
Looking for 2 for entire mission. Message oblongsounds for inv (x box 1)
Running daily heroic Anyone want to join? gt: same as ^
Xbox One 308 hunter Doing Paradox for alternate ending Message "Recon Robot" for invite
300hunter. Doing daily. Sent a msg for inv. GT: OnePieceOfLego
307 Titan . Inv glocktoter
311 Hunter for nf invite at yunggatez
293 warlock looking for group don't have any of the memories yet
Need 2 Gt^ for inv Xbx 1