Need 2 for daily message blakey1968 for invite
Looking for 2 to do daily.
Need 2 for paradox to get no time to explain message me Lt Kennon117
Msg for inv for daily heroic @ end of mission
Need 1 more for nightfall at boss already GT Kikatron 5000
need help defeating the undying mind I'm already at the Mind part at the very end.. not sure if I can bring people in or not.. but definitely need help.. if you wanna help out message me and I'll invite!
Edited by Strodlyyy: 11/4/2015 10:41:51 AMWhat's the daily? Someone tell me please as I'm currently not on lol.
Looking for 1 person 300+ nightfall gt as above
Edited by FlyDucky: 11/4/2015 8:09:32 AM
310 warlock. Looking to do daily. Gt above send invite
I'm about halfway thru the new daily. Send msg to IveBeenCensored on Xbox live for invite. Do not reply to this post for invite.
Edited by CxxxMurder: 11/3/2015 8:27:14 AMNeed 1 for spindle run. On xb1 msg gt Cxxxmurder for invite. My light lvl is 310 nightstalker hunter
Need one At ketch Gt KillTastik87 Black spindle
309 Hunter Need 1 please have an exotic sword 300+ GT same as above
312 hunter looking to get the black spindle msg di Pinoy ib for invite
303 hunter for spindle run message xIsiahx for invite or to invite.
308 hunter send invite to white gordiant
306 warlock looking for a group to get the black spindle. Gt same as above invite me on Xbox or message me on xbox.
305 defender Titan with st 14 looking for spindle run
314 wl lf group. ..gt is echo5myke
314 wl lf group. ..gt is echo5myke
Hunter 298 light Send inv gt same as above D (#1) R E W (#0) L F (#3)
302 Hunter looking for 1 more for spindle run. Msg JEWTAST1K
Need two for black spindle must be light 300 and up
310 Hunter I'm helping people get the spindle Gamer tag above Please be ^299
Need one for daily heroic. Get same as above