309 warlock looking for atheon cp! GOLD T0SSERS
I have gorgon checkpoint and need 3 or 4 more people send message for invite GT same
Edited by LadyUnic0rn: 10/21/2015 3:48:20 PM(STILL LOOKING) for atheon cp, inv ladyunic0rn on xbox1, also I don't have a mic.
Looking for 2 more for vog normal. Message me on xb1: JMike16
Edited by DopeNinjuh: 10/21/2015 3:40:32 PMWarlock Lv. 40 Light: 300+ Looking for fresh, or Atheon Cp. Gt: DopeNinjuh XBOXONE
Need 2 for VOG Normal Message xxGRIFFCORExx on Xbox One
40 Hunter 292 Treads upon stars Hakkë shotgun Sleeper need to kill atheon
297 Titan With mic Gt xX sarge
295 titan looking for group, (possibly Atheon cp) Gt: ClassicalLmc
Need two for fresh run on VOG gt same as above
306 hunter looking for 5 to do VoG at any CP GT-TheKawaiiWizard
303, sleeper with ruin wings an lots of heavy synth for any cp.gt:jack hammett95
303 hunter looking for atheon! Gt= the imbalance
Looking to defeat Atheon. Will start from any cp
Need people for quest. Have normal aetheon c.p. Message for inv Exp players please Gt: mar3sca
297 warlock Looking for 4 for raid vault of glass (ntte) Full raid or atheon checkpoint if you have it. We are very experienced. Black spindle ToM Relic runners Message michaelzero21
Looking for 5 more with oracle cp ! Msg x DJ TANK for invite !
304 Titan LF Atheon checkpoint for NTTE quest,,, GT as above on XB1
Edited by SuperfineFire: 10/21/2015 9:10:58 AM299 warlock looking for atheon cp but don't mind a fresh run GT same as name above
Looking for atheon cp for NTTE exotic bounty . I have touch of malice to take him down quick so invite x DJ TANK pls !
294 warlock looking for Atheon checkpoint.
296 hunter looking for atheon cp. Gt : dannyh9891
Lv305 looking for Atheon CP on Xbox one Feel free to invite any time! GT: Niadhiel
Hunter 307 looking to Athlon or start fresh gt same as above
Looking for any cp got the sleeper stimulant or touch of malice. I'm a 303 Titan with weapons of light.
307 hunter looking to do atheon