Need 1 for black spindal gt same as above
Need 2 to get the Black spindle
Need 2
313 warlock need to do spindle invite me
im up for black spindle need two or i can also help warlock 297 titan 297 xbox one gt Gasdem
Need one blk spin
Need 1 for black swindle. Be 305+. Gt: PBres1500. Xbox one
Hunter 309 looking for help with spindle X1 add me
311 Titan wanting to do Black spindle - inv - Legendary Buloo
298 warlock for bs run. Invite
312-315 hunter looking for BS invite
300 hunter looking for group Gt same as above
Need 1 for PoE 35 Just for fun Message ApexNinja ss
310 titan looking for spindle partners
288 Titan looking for anything. GT is same name as here. Send invite.
LFG 304 hunter gt deadlychef83
299 hunter looking for invite to black spindle.
Titan- light 301 looking for group to get Black Spindle! Gt: M35T4Ri. Xb1
306 warlock looking for good group. Need at least one Titan please be 300+ Be chill Message: Seattle xlviii
312 warlock looking for good team to get the black spindle. Inv me. GT as above
Need 2 for black spindle 303 hunter Msg:xxbihramboxx
Vog normal Gt jarrbird msg for inv xbox 1
Need two
311 hunter looking for team of similar light Msg fly86boy
Msg for invite for daily heroic
Need one, Titan or Warlock Already at the crystal Msg for inv Gt same