need 1 for conflux message for inv same as above on xbox1
2 Looking for Atheon checkpoint and to kill Atheon. GT same as name, invite in game.
306 hunter, gt is same as above. 30+ completions under my belt
Need 5 for antheon cp or fresh start MSG insiidiouss
Edited by Snow: 10/21/2015 2:45:46 AMOne 300 light warlock looking to do vog for Fwc quest. No mic but I know what I'm doing. Invite SNOW MAN199
2 Looking for Atheon checkpoint and to kill Atheon. GT same as name, invite in game.
Oryx Cp 300+ 302 Titan Message GT above for invite
Looking to join at atheon i have 3 me 308 a 302 and 306 invite me gt is Mr White Bunny
Looking to join at atheon i have 3 me 308 a 302 and 306 invite me gt is Mr White Bunny
Looking for atheon to complete fwc quest 304 warlock very experienced invite FxUxNxK black spindle 310 primary
If you are at atheon and need two people plz in it me and my buddy. Rga stud is gamer.
Need atheon cp. Pls share cp so more lobbys can be created. Inv ilolzz dubstep to help more people
lfg for ntte quest. fresh or any cp is fine. ready to go. Invite please
Looking for vog any cp will do
Have 2 309 lights looking for ATHEON cp. Pls inv.
Running fresh VOG hard message Sgt Jermz for Inv
Would like to do fresh or Atheon cp 304 hunter Msg or send invite to Gt above
Done VoG many times. 307 Titan. GT Same as above
Looking for fresh start or any cp, just want to finish the quest, Gt as above
308 warlock. Atheon checkpoint for quest. Send invite to GT above.
Lfg to run vog for no time to explain/just for fun as well. 303 Sunbreaker Titan. gt same as name
Looking for a fresh run or atheon
Looking for a fresh atheon run or if you have cp that'd be better at 307 light gt same as above
Looking for a fresh run or atheon cp Gt Enraged Toxic
Doing fresh run or if you have cp that's fine Gt -SRTi
Need 4 ppl for fresh start gt cs6767