Willing to help someone with daily 292 light warlock invite
313 titan will help with black spindle mission. No mic but know what to do and have beaten before with over 2 minutes to spare. Inv chizbad
303 hunter LFG gt deadlychef83 need spindle
308 titan to do black spindle, happy to do any method, gt same as name invite please
Warlock looking for daily heroic 292 light
300 sunbreaker titan. looking to join team, who will rush boss with swords. gt same as above. invite pls
Black spindle fresh Need 2 Message RANGER NO ONE
Need 2 for lost to light mission for black spindle on Xbox one. Invite "wahck"
310 Warlock GT RgC Thanatos
Doing the black spindle quest. Need 1 more. Msg for invite. Gt same as above
310 Warlock GT RgC Thanatos
312 warlock looking for group for black spindle. GT boomstickdog
Lfg for black spindal quest gt is sszero67
You all do know that light level doesn't guarantee clearing it?? However, things like the exotic sword ( which I have) and touch of malice ( atheon step, bitch of a quest). But the sword everyone claimed I'd need to be 310 for and did it at less than 290. Just make sure you're maxed on agility, low reload, high damage, and either a launcher with higher heavy drops ( exotic sword is great it's ranged attack leaves a DOT that slaughters) or a quickly recharging grenade. It's harder to clear rooms than kill driviks ( higher defense tannicks with the taken modifier( raid weapons help, though I'd use a sniper for him). But yes, I need it too, 302 Titan gt same as above.
Need 2 for black spindle message kevcg12 for invite
312 hunter need 2 310 + message Jedi Problems
309&310 looking for 1 for spindle, at the Baxx cp
need 2 for xbox1, no mic but I can hear, message on xbox GT: T00ZER (00 are zeroes)
303 hunter looking for black spindle group. Invite "Frenzyy US" please
Need 1 308+
Invite me!! D4rthmodder
302 Titan for daily heroic black spindle run. Gt same as above.
312 warlock for black spindle group, invite xxxbuggyxxx
Inv to Daily Gt Jodye ii
312 Hunter Helping out anyone going after Black Spindle. GT : Snafu Gundam