I am helping on Xbox one guardians who has never had a Black Spindle just invited me if you need one more Gt^
Need 2 very good people for black spindle Must know what to do 300+ light Msg Richbob12 for inv
I'll help with bs mission xb1 Invite sniped127 if yu need help 312 warlock
319 titan running it for ship. Done if a alot before No Mic. Inv leakleak8
I'm a 318 hunter and I need 2 more to get black spindle Gt crimzon2016
Helping people message for inv
298 Titan LFG to help me get black spindle. Gtag same as above
I am helping on Xbox one guardians who has never had a Black Spindle just invited me if you need one more Gt^
Who needs help? 319 warlock.. gt same
Lf2 for BS run. I have all exotic swords. GT: psyonyde
Edited by OpTic DeadStarz: 2/18/2016 10:45:34 AMI am helping on Xbox one guardians who has never had a Black Spindle just invited me if you need one more Gt^
Gt same as on here send me an message on xbl
Need 1 for spindle. Please know how to do it.
320 Titan looking to help people with Spindle runs. I'm in it for the ship! Message HatRabies.
Looking to get the ship from Lost To Light, 318 Hunter Invite me! GT - the5W4N
Edited by Krizzy: 2/18/2016 10:30:58 AM299 lock inv gt digital krizzy
Edited by De7ailz: 2/18/2016 10:25:06 AMNeed 1 300+ Gt: oG De7aiiLzZ
Need 1 for spindle run any light level gt above
need 2 for spindle run. message imsinacole
Edited by Jonny1988: 2/18/2016 10:15:51 AMNeed help with the spindle. Jonny1988. Add me or I can add you. Titan 301
Need 2 for spindle. Already have it just want to get the ship.
2 spots available for nightfall Msg 4 inv GT: Mxmasss
Need 1 for nf
Need 1 for nightfall
Need one for NF Message gt above.
Need 2 for nf