312 Hunter Helping out anyone going after Black Spindle. GT : Snafu Gundam
Need one 300 plus light for the nightfall. Message general saucy for invite. No kids!
Doing spindle need someone with 305 plus msg me brambrow
313 titan looking to join 310+ team for daily. Gt is thisguyhatesyou
need 2 for daily heroic spindle. im 309 lock message gt above for invite or inv gt above
297 warlock message me for invite
Need one more for spindle! 303 plus .. Got a 310 Titan and a 309 hunter MSG brambrow
Looking for two for spindle - brambrow 309 hunter
306 gt same
Looking for 2 for spindle GT:MAMBA263
Need 1 more for spindle, gt same
305 titan looking to join group for spindle run. Have touch of malice and 310 sword Gt is ixsleethy
XB1 fresh kingsfall raid normale need 5 299+ msg ACID BEER
Need two for spindle? 306 Warlock with tom
Looking to help out with black spindle quest. Invite breakinfaces103. Already beaten it several times.
295 Titan looking for spindle try. Gt is same.
297 titan, looking to join group or need 2 people who want to do the mission for black spindle on xbox 1. Gt above
Looking to join group for spindle. 305 titan with tom and raze-lighter. Gt is ixsleethy
Who wants the black spindle? Send message: shorelinez With your light lvl and class
Edited by GasNinjaPanda: 11/2/2015 12:22:21 PMLooking to join light 303 INV for spindle
Need 1x 300+ to run spindle/ship ... Be good Message for invite: The Fridge Door
Need two for black spindle mission, I'm a 309 hunter send me a message GT Brambrow
Need one more for black spindle Titan 307 or above
Need one for black spindal message thugcry99
need 2 too run spindle quest
299 Tether Hunter looking to do black spindle... I'm not sure where the door to the ketch is so ill just follow who knows if that's okay. I have a mic. Mistermutiny89