Lv34 Titan with gjallarhorn lookinf for fresh crota. Send me an inv on xbox gt same as above.
34 warlock max weps looking for a crota run
34 Titan with Max gally looking to do Crota at any cp an difficulty
Running fresh crota hard message for inv gt same as above
Fresh or any cp lvl 34 lock
At crota cp on hard msg for inv need 5
Need three for fresh run Crota hard Mics' and Gally Msg for invite
34 swordbeare helping out invit only if you need me to run sword gamer tag same as above
Looking for Crota hard fresh lvl 34 hunter gt newfoundgloryfn
34 Titan hosting and swording fresh hard crota. Need 5 message for invite.
34 swordbeare helping out invit only if you need me to run sword gamer tag same as above
Looking for crota hard cp 34 max gjally invite me Xbox one gt:itsskieran
34 warlock hosting fresh hard crota, can sword if necessary. Message for invite need full team.
Sword looking for crota cp, inv me GT: izveli
34 warlock, I have crota check point, message for invite! I need a team lol
need 5 for fresh hard crota
Anyone looking for the new ghosts in Croats end msg me for inv
Need 4 Crota cp hard msg for invite
Looking for hard 34 warlock
Edited by Jimbo: 9/10/2015 11:11:31 PMNeed 2 for crota hard send msg for inv gt above fresh start
Warlock lvl:34 Crota: hard mode cp: Fresh Weapon Max:gally,ice breaker Gt : bull9204 Inv me
-Lvl.34 Hunter -Lvl.34 Hunter -Lvl.34 Warlock Need 3 experienced players [CROTA's END] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
Level 34 Hunter sword bearer looking to help people kill crota invite DarkchaosAngels
Need 2 at Crota cp message me GT same
Invite for hard crota. 34 Titan experienced. Looking for a quick run
Invite for hard crota. 34 Titan experienced. Looking for a quick run or crota check point