Need 2 for black spindle message for invite
304 warlock. Xbox one. Send an invite. GT: optimized chief
Looking for 2 for black spindle must be 305+ Get is above message for inv Xbox 1
Need 1 for black spin msg inv
Lf 1 more for black spindle
310 hunter need 2 gt same
Need one for black spindle. Message gt above
305 hunter needs the spindle :D Gt as above
need 1 for bs 300+ gt is CaptainWinkee
Have spindle, want the ship!! 303 hunter with exotic sword Please inv, gt same as above Xbox one
looking to do black spindel 305+ gt is CaptainWinkee for inv or invite my gt I'll join
Need 1 more for black spindle message my gamertag Feron Taylor for invite.
304 titan. Need 2 for black spindle mission. Message my gamer tag Feron Taylor for invite.
Titan light level 308 looking for 2 to help me get the black spindle Gamertag killer Craig
300 Titan looking for group to do black spindle. Gt is kalm9 Xbox1
314 Warlock Need 2 305+ Send message for invite on xbox one
Need one decent player for black spindle Message ApexNinja ss
Edited by LONEeALPHA: 11/2/2015 9:37:06 AMMessage me doing daily 312 hunter Gamer tag is LONEeALPHA
314 warlock looking for 1 for black spindal daily msg XxMoistDesirexX for invite
Edited by Sugar Cookee: 11/2/2015 9:21:36 AMLooking for two to help with black spindle msg at Sugar Cookee on xbox one
312 warlock gt same as above Xbox 1 only need spindle
Need 2 for black spindle, 305+ and have a mic
Looking for 2 to help with the daily to get black spindle message me for invite
Need 2 for daly please have good weapons GT: I1 Mazramm 1I
Need one for black spindle heroic 305+ message XsquiiiiamX
283 warlock looking for nightfall gamertag same as above