Need people to do the black spindle thing ! I'm 299 titan and have little to no time, please message me on xBox GT: anthxb
292 hunter is my 3rd character. Wanting to do daily gt same
Edited by l Ellz l: 10/21/2015 11:48:17 AMNeed two people willing to try and kill the two ultras, rumoured to be a secret if killed at the same time. Xbox 1 Gt: L Ellz L
I can do daily
Need daily then willing to help with whatever, 287 hunter here. XB1 GT is the same
Edited by H4RV3Y 02: 10/21/2015 9:24:36 AMMessage for daily
Looking to do paradox Lvl 304 Titan
305 titan for ghost group. Gt x spartan x
307 hunter lfg Gt same
LFG. Touch of malice final mission. 304 hunter. Message in game Gym AllStar
305 warlock looking for 2 more for daily heroic story 290+ Message xxGRIFFCORExx on Xbox One.
Anyone want to run together? Need to find ghosts - 304 warlock
Need help getting 3 ghosts 302 hunter inv gt same
Need help for daily
Lf heroic story run for no time to explain quest gt:Ciscokid15
2 305s at the hydra need 1... gt Dr T Bagginzz
307 hunter need 2 for daily , Gt:M3D4L
305 warlock, not sure where the ghosts are but need them and looking forward to wrecking some minotaurs inv Dr T Bagginzz
Need all ghosts know we're they are I'm s 308 worlock and know what I'm doing
Need all the ghosts, 303 hunter gt abv 4 inv
Need 1 for 1 for daily msg gt ZiontheRuthless for inv
300+ Warlock LFG. Just send me a invite.
Need 2 to get all the memories. GT same
Looking for someone to help me get the ghost on the daily. If you can help invite Or message me please. Gt same as above
306 titan. Need help with the giant hydra. Already have the first 2 memories. Gt above message for inv
Hunter 305 need 2. Gt same as above