Hunter 305 need 2. Gt same as above
Need 1 gt ih8microwso4t
305 invite me GT above
Looking to do the daily then the raid after for no time. Invite spotticus1
Need 4 for fresh must have a mic and 295+ light msg FBCx UNKNOWN for inv
305 hunter looking to do daily alternate ending. Gt jbutta30
307 warlock at the hydra halfway through message for invite gt same as above
301h looking to get the ghosts, invite themanondacouch
297 titan lfg to do daily for the FWC Ghost Gt-fnLoubaz
303 Titan looking for a group to get all the ghosts Gt MasterChief7773 Xbox one
At hydra, need 2. Msg me for invite
302 Hunter looking to do daily heroic for cult ghost. Send invite to Osiris1105.
Need 2 to show hidden ghosts please - 304 Titan
Need help with daily with secret mission on it
Lf daily group 308 titan
Need 2 at boss message me for invite
Need 2 for fresh run to get ghosts. Gt same as above.
Need 1
296 titan paradox gt same as above
302 Titan for Paradox
Need 2 msg for invite 295+ plz be good
297+ Hunter. Need help with the Paradox daily secret ghosts. GT: SonicWolf CD Please invite Me.
Edited by XundoneX: 10/21/2015 1:16:57 AM
308 warlock who's done this mission once already looking for two more good players. At least +297 plz. I don't want to carry noobs today :p GT-KGX RELENTLESS
Need 2 for paradox mission know we're ghost are xb1 msg gt above
Need 2 for paradox mission for ghost message xhollowface for inv