Looking to do a fresh run, invite me pls
looking for fresh crota hard (lv34 warlock)
Need 2 for Hard Crota Cp already have sword bearer. Msg gt above for inv
Lvl 34 Titan looking for Crota hard, fresh run GT: Canidaris
Edited by Eric Dang: 9/10/2015 1:33:13 PMLooking to run fresh or join a CP Lvl 34 Hunter max weapons inv or msg Eric Dang
Lvl 34 Hunter looking for any cp. Invite Onkle Ruckus
LFG crota hard fresh run send invite
-Xbox One- lf4m Crota Hard Fresh.
Starting fresh raid msg for invite GT cole w
34 bubble Titan
I have 2 for crota Hard invite LGF Sevil 12
Sword for hire
34 warlock for a fresh run , gt as above just inv
Looking for hunter to sword. Message me for invite. Gamer tag : xeiio
Nd one more for crota normal
Need. One more for crota hard
Just offering my help as a sword bearer. If you need help, I can run sword for you. Just send a message to my gamer tag.
Croat hard. Titan
Need 2 for crota hard fresh run. Msg for inv. Please have max gjally
Need a bubble titan for crota cp Msg Pc sid3wayz
34 hunter. Checkpoint doesn't matter
Looking for fresh CE hard group Invite me Gt ll AFTER SH0CK
at Crota hard need 5 gt is above
Looking for 3 more people for Crota Hard. Have swordbearee. Message CaptainDangeroo with level for invite.
Need 4 for crota hard gt obove
Need swordbearer on Crota cp