At crota need four more including sword bearer
Need 3 for fresh run on Crota hard need warlock
34 hunter lf hard crota inv retro879
Running crota hard Fresh, message FrostyRhyssss for an inv.. we have sword bearer..
Need 2 for fresh !
Looking for checkpoint , it's me and my friend we are both level 34 have upgraded gally etc done it numerous times , invite JustMatt22 so i can join you and invite my friend
34 Titan 167 light Looking for HARD Crota FRESH or ANY CP GT: DaBigJabluntski
Looking to raid Hunter 34/169 Gt grimblegrumble7
Need 2 for fresh run on crota hard gt you just k1lled
Crota nml cp need sb msg gt above for invt
Need 4 for crota or crota checkpoint gt: bennyBXblanco have sword bearer
Starting a Fresh run, crota hard. Send message for inv gt: Modisty NL (3 spots open atm)
Looking for crota hard fresh. Hunter Lvl 34 not sword good sword bearer.
34 hunter for fresh hard Raid, invite me please on xbl "Dr Chocolate 2U"
Need 4 for fresh run normal crota. Msg SLATERd NATION for inv. Thanks. Running normal then hard.
Lvl 34 warlock here with gally and what not looking for Corta CP GT: Shadownet Agent
Have 3 spots open for a fresh hard CE run. Message in game for an invite. My Gt is Kyram Ast
Need 3 for crota hard fresh. have sword guy. Msg SLATERs NATION for inv
Need 4 for fresh run normal crota. Msg SLATERd NATION for inv. Thanks
34 swordbearer helping out Invit only if u need me to run sword gamer tag same as above
Need 3 for hard crota cp 33+ message hitmarker13
Need 3 for Crota hard fresh Gt is same msg for invite
At crota cp needed a sword bearer msg adamhopmoen for an invite
34 Titan Lfg crota hard mode message for invite
At Crota CP. looking for a good sword bearer. Message in game for an invite. My Gt is Kyram Ast
Need 4 people for Crota raid Pointedpage3