Edited by FeelsGoodMan: 10/11/2015 7:11:44 PMneed 2 for fresh vog on hard gt:WoolenExpress
Looking to kill crota inv plz
Looking to finally learn how to raid warlock 295 light any checkpoint just looking to do it for once
Need 2 for hard mode vog GT: xcafeconlechex
301 warlock, 305 sniper, 295 sleeper stimulant, invite El Chiefo Rollo
Looking for fresh vog. Invite Carb0n v1
Do people still do this?
Need 295+ light level. Need 1 for sisters cp must know what your doing. No noobs msg xb0rnconfus3dx I'm 300 light
Need 3 for vog fresh run message DRG COLE TRAIN
eed 3 for vog hard on Xbox one, fresh and experience preferred. message oxKBxo for invite.
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url] ANYBODY can join the Bungie.net group! Platform: XBox One Leader: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/316042]The Youngin 100[/url] ***There is 1 Skill & Communication based test to become a Member! Mission Statement Savage Samurais is an easy-going, but tactical & team based clan. We aim to be a skill based clan, but foremost a social HUB. Members are not obligated to do anything; no mandated meetings, no minimum K/D, no required cosmetics, etc. Still, EVERY members' suggestions, ideas, support, contributions, skill, activity & help are appreciated and 'sometimes' recognized. Our goal is to have many small groups (FireTeams) of friends that will ultimately form Savage Samurais. Feel free to join and follow the group! We do have a skill and communication based test to be eligible to join the Clan. We are open to suggestions & support from all members! There are no discriminations of sex, religion, age or race within the clan. IMMATURITY & DISRESPECT will not be tolerated. [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
Is anyone doing VoG? I have 3 lvl 40's with 300 light invite please
Doing fresh Join quick Gt Maj3sticTurtle
Need one more for sister. Titan please send message to RKS Half Pint
Starting VoG fresh Message Gamertag above for invite We don't care if you haven't done it or are low light, anyone is welcome
Need 5 for fresh Gt is above
Light 296 Warlock looking for sisters cp. Experience. Send invite to RKS Half Pint
Need 4 for fresh run for Hard VOG msg XxModerator25xX
Anyone interested in joining a Xbox one clan who will be dedicated to destiny , then join kuramas revenge. It has potential to be a great clan I'm trying to help them expand so if interested just give a join and we will accept leave your gamer tag and we will add you immediately. Trying to start a friendly community. And we play 24/7 times. Again the clan is kuramas revenge.
Looking to get the flawless raider achievement. Msg if interested
Looking for 4 players for fresh run!
Need 4 for fresh run. Let's have some fun! Msg FunnyFaCe3 for an invite.
Lvl 40 light lvl 305 warlock looking to join
Need 5 for vault MSG MrMarshmallow65
need 4 for a fresh run of vog hard message xDire Miralis for invite
Looking for a fresh Vog hard run need 5 more so hmu gt is LTDLegendKiller