Need 4 people for Crota raid Pointedpage3
34 swordbearer helping out Invit only if u need me to run sword gamer tag same as above
Crota hard fresh need person with mic 18+ swordrunner
Looking for 4 more to do a fresh run of hard CE. Message in game for an invite. My GT is Kyram Ast
34 Titan with gally looking for Crota cp
Need sword bearer on Crota cp Msg ZoRoKE967
On crota. Need hunter sword bearer. Msg Neme 4president for invite (its hard mode btw)
Need 2 more people for gatekeeper for crota hard text me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
Looking for team for fresh, message for invite
Can run sword or shoot gally, inv gt above. Maxed hunter
Never mind about the checkpoint I'm doing fresh run
Need 5 for Crota checkpoint hard Gt same as above
34 hunter, looking for fresh run. I am a swordbearer. Invite me if you have room. GT - SyC Armageddon
Lvl 34 warlock looking to raid on hard Have max vex, gally, Ice breaker, all that shiz; Hmu! Invite Blyndside209
Need 2 and a swordbear for Crota hard cp, message me for invite
Need 4 for crota hard fresh, quick run msg get above for inv
Need 4 for fresh run. Message me on xbox
Crota end hard Gatekeeper checkpoint need to more people text me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
Looking to start a fresh run on hard, msg get for invite
I have a checkpoint in normal for Crotas end where u build the bridge msg me for invites need more members
Need 4 message gt
Hosting Crota hard mode fresh need 4 Gt: oAxno Message for invite
34 Titan very experienced can be sword bearer invite GT above
Lf Crota cp I'm 34 Warlock msg of u have cp
Need 1 and a Titan Croat cp hard
lv 34 warlock GT: TarriestChurch