Need sword for Crota checkpoint gt is name above
Crota hard fresh need people msg me gt same as above
Looking to do crota. Any cp. Inv Fugaldistress38
Need 1 experienced swordbearer. Message pookey03 for invite.
Starting up crota hard fresh run Gt same Message for inv Warlock 34 Titan 34 (Need 4)
Need 5 for crota cp hard need a sword bearer and anybody else need to hurry befor reset message xs kriptic sx for inv
Need 4 for fresh run crota hard. GT as above
Need 4 for fresh run crota hard. GT as above
Need 4 for Hard Crota CP Have SB Message Icon2149 for invite.
Need 1 experienced SWORDBEARER for Crota hard mode on XB1. At Crota checkpoint. Message K TIPP USMC for invite.
Need ppl for a fresh run message for invite
Edited by BE4RCL4VV: 9/8/2015 8:25:47 AMNeed two for fresh hard Msg be4rcl4vv for inv
Need three more for hard mode crota, I got three 34s. My gt is The Amish Rif1e
Hosting a crota hard fresh run msg FROSTYtheTURTLE for an invite
Looking for 2 more. Fresh crota hard. Gt is same as user ID. Msg me for inv.
Looking to do a fresh hard crota's end, I have no mic but I know what to do I'm a lvl 34 titan with a gally. Invite me gt is IronManJRod
Got three level 34s looking for hard mode crota gt is The Amish Rif1e
Lvl 33 titan looking for fresh crota hard. xNutFacesx
Level 34 Hunter here to be your sword bearer of you need. Don't need rewards just looking to help. Send me a message.
Lvl 34 hunter need 3-5 people @ crota cp. msg po chos finest for invite
Need 3 for Crota hard bois
Need 4 for Crota cp on hard gt FTW HECTOR
Lvl 34 looking for a Crota hard mode run. GT same as above.
Edited by Snowball675212: 9/8/2015 4:40:06 AMNeed 4 people level 32+ to do a fresh run for hard Crota's End. Must have a mic and must talk Message xxBeautifulLiex (me) in game for an invite Thank You! ^.^
Need 1 sword crota
need 4 for Crota CP Hard message GT: grunt toes