XB1 300+ light. Exotic swords would be preferable. Message gruggg
309 Hunter with Celestial nighthawk and touch of malice Looking for a team to Get this black hammer with.
Need a team of two 300+ guardians who are EXPERIENCED. Xbox one message big eazzzzy with light level
2 for black spindle. Message on xbox one
Need 2 for black spindle need to know sword strategy if you don't know just ask me need to have exotic sword and need one titan with bubble
304 Hunter Gt Jodye ii
Invite me Xbox one
Need a 300+ Sol (TITAANNNNNN) Message GT as above
295 hunter looking to for help with the Black Spindle
Need a 300+ for black spindle. Msg Shotcretecity
Polo to join a team to do daily I'm a 295 hunter
Need a 300+ Sol (TITAANNNNNN) Message GT as above
Need one more
Need 1 for spindle gt Lngshnk8
301 Titan for spindle, invite Herschey
Need one for spindle run
303 Titan looking for a team Gt SaintVictorious
Need two, level 295+ please (I am sorry about this level restriction, but I want to get it over with) Mic not required, just know what to do and do it fast (don't need to do it before however) GT: A Nuke Waffle
300 Titan GT dockula
Looking for 3 for oryx. Will accept new comers Msg-DrifterChaz
Need 1 for the daily to get the black spindle. My gt is above.
Nf send massage for invite
Nf send massage for invite
294 warlock nightfall. Zulualphacharli
Looking to do the daily. Gt: iSnake iDoctor Lvl40 229 light
Looking for 2 players to do a nightfall. Must be *280+ light *mic is not necessary Msg me on xbox one for an invite GT: Diviine Kaoz I'm a hunter light level is 291.