originally posted in:Destiny Ladies
I was reading the Xur Megathread and came across this in the replies and had to share. They're talking about the HoSt14 and Icebreaker.
[–][b]cwspellowe[/b] 15 points 10 hours ago
Swear to god.. Helm of St 14, yeah happy with that. [i]My wee boy got an Ice Breaker for his Tower-only guardian and he's wanted his very own for weeks, he's only 4 bless him.[/i]
[–][b]IceMakerIm_A_Nidiot[/b] 10 points 8 hours ago
If by "Tower-only" you mean that you let him run around the tower with his own character, that's adorable.
[–][b]cwspellowe[/b] 17 points 6 hours ago
[i]Pretty much yeah. I took him to level 20 so he could equip his exotics, but he never ventures out of the Tower. He just chases people about and plays with the purple ball. I like to drop exotics into his inventory using the app to make him think he's won them playing games, and he's been saving up his strange coin pocket money so he could buy something from Xur.
The fact it was Ice Breaker sent him into a fit of sheer exhilaration.[/i]
Little slices of joy vs the constant haters of this game.
That is so cute!!!! XD