originally posted in:Destiny Ladies
Hi, I am a lady gamer, RecklessXplorer on XboxOne. The friends I play with regularly are guys. They are the best friends ever. It's the "friends" of my friends which I'm having trouble with lately. It's become pretty obvious some don't want the female's participation in the Raid. I have trouble with some of the jumping. God forbid if I die, but it's OK when they do. I'm not considered for certain tasks in the Raid. Sadly I want to do the raid with friends, but not with my friend's friends. The remarks being made by them, I can do without. I'm on Xbox for fun, not the crap. Anyways I have mic. I'm on a lot. I'm many things; silly, patient, easy going, helpful...rest assured the thing I'm not, is a jerk. Add me & I will add you back.
Hi! Do you still play? If so I'll add you :)
[i]Divine Dragons [/i] [b][u]This is a Xbox Clan[/u][/b] https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1307421 Hi I'm ODST Hugo(XBOX 1),I'm a year 1 competitive Guardian who like others that can carry their own weight in the crucible. I like to help others in anything in the game or in general and I'm also on the top 4% for Kill/Death Ratio in Crucible and top 6% in Trials of Osiris. Check me out if you like: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/player/xbox/ODST%20Hugo [i]Activities we do[/i] Crucible Featured Playlist Mayhem Strikes Heroic Strikes Daily Heroic Weekly Heroic Nightfall Bounty Quests Vault of Glass Crota's End Prison of Elders Kingsfall And more... We are a North American based Clan. [b]We have over 70 members as of 10/31/15[/b] [i]Motto:[/i] I am a Champion!!! [b]Mission Statement:[/b] I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win, but I will never surrender weakness will not beat in my heart. I will look to my comrades, to those who have brought me into this world and to those who have trained me and I will draw strength from them. I will gladly, go out into the field of battle and I will move, groove and do everything that I can do and I will reach my field of battle by any means at my disposal and when I get there I will arrive violently. I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it bleeding on the ground, because he cannot stop me. To my side I have comrades. Comrades that have been with me through thick and thin. Through sacrifice, through blood, through sweat, through tears. Never will I let them fall. Never will I let them down And I will never leave an enemy behind, because our opponent does not know our heart. No one will deny me… No one will defy me… And no one will tell me who and what I am and can be. [b][i][u]NO REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN THE CLAN, ANYBODY CAN JOIN[/u][/i][/b] [u][b]Requirements to set as Xbox Clan:[/u][/b] -1.5 or higher K/D -3000+ Grimscore -17+ of Age -Teamwork -295+ Gear -Must have at least 4 [u]Golden[/u] Medals with 600,000+ Medal Score -Microphone -[u]Friendly to others[/u] [b]-XBOX 1[/b] [b][i][u]READ THIS BEFORE ANY ASSUMPTIONS [/u][/i][/b] [u]If you want to join the clan GREAT. But if you want to set it as your clan you have to meet all the requirements, depending on your situation I'll make some exceptions. Why I said you need to meet the requirements to set as clan is because I need good people to represent this clan well[/u]
Frankly, I find women easier to get along with than other men, so feel free to add me. GT: Anima Messorum.
I'll add you gt same
I'll add you
I'll add you and if you want help you with the raid and other activities like you said it's for fun not crap add me GT daemonesgrimm
Add me
Ill add u gust let me know if u need help with anything im always on if u need me
Add me I play with other females gt the same