originally posted in:Destiny Ladies
I'm looking for some more xbox1 friends for any activities from farming and bounties to raids. I'm easy going and pretty relaxed about my gaming, but feel compelled to finish everything, twice, once with both characters. No matter how hard, I'll still give it a try, I've got the weapons to carry me through most anything.
I'm a student and stay at home mom, so I am online during the day sometimes. Almost always I am on from the afternoon to as late as midnight CST. I play way too many hours, every day :)
Shoot me a friend request and/or a message, I tend to shy away from the random ones. Just mention [DL]
gamertag is the same (all L's are 1's)- Fa11enSnowAnge1
Add me I'll always help
What level are your characters?
I play daily also....Def need more Xbox1 friends...add me if u like
Edited by aSilenceSoL0ud: 2/22/2015 3:56:32 AMGt is the same. I'm a level 31 Titan and 27 warlock. I like raids and shiz ;)
Feel free to add me. Gt is the same.
Gt is same. Add me! :)
Edited by AssassinApes: 2/7/2015 3:19:01 AMI'm down to play with some other lady gamers! 32 hunter, 31 Titan and 10 warlock. Xb1. Gt same. I play this game too much...
I'm always looking for new friends and people to play with. Gt above
My GT is BioticGoddess. I'm always looking for new friends to play Destiny with.
Add me gt is the same :)
Feel free to add me up! GT is the same :)
Feel free to add me gt same as name
Add me xb1 - Lady Lego Legs am on a lot but based in UK
Add me LunaticFURII33...Love to help with everything.. And I definitely need help sometimes too lol
Add me GT BRECLUSE454 Lvl 31 warlock almost 32 Lvl 31 hunter almost 32 Lvl 31 titan If you need some help with anything just send an invite I'm on from 6 to 11pm central time
If you ever need help with raids or crucible or bounties shoot me a message on xboxone. VENOM X21 I'm always up for helping gamers and fye chick gamers are awesome definitely need more of em!
aadd me too gt jjStikZrSik
Edited by AeonNyx: 1/15/2015 5:40:52 AMI think I play too much too ;p Gt is AeonNyx if you ever wanna play.