originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
My friend is a LVL 23 and needs to be carried through VoG. Xbox 1
Lol, enemies at the end are 28. It's easy for players to get to 34 now, tell him to get to at least 27 first then go to destinylfg.net
Although you can easily carry him though VoG, I would encourage you not to right now. Doing no damage and just watching is a horrible way to experience VoG for the first time. I'd recommend getting to 26 so they can at least see something besides "Immune" the whole 30+ minutes.
You can't even step into the vault at level 23. Help your friend get to level 26 before holding hands in the raid....
PS3 ?
Good lord - get some marks and get a piece of armor or 2. That will at least make you useful.