originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Hey all, I need help doing the kingsfall raid. I've never done any raid and it seems the only one worth doing now is kingsfall. Any help?
Do you still need help?
Have you got room for 1 more? I have a mic
Ps4 my bad
I can help bro if Ur on psn I've completed it multiple times
Vault of glass is where the real raid is! It's a blast your first few runs and really satisfying to beat. With the no time exotic about now is a good time to get in there as next to nobody is doing old raids. You'll find some real cool people on lfg's. Good luck, but most importantly enjoy the raids- don't put up with any dickhead-ery! Be honest when entering fireteams and try the the mechanics like relics etc for yourself :-)
I have never done a raid either I'd be glad to help
If you are on 360 I've never beaten the raid either I hace killed daughters and war priest.
Watch some vids on how to do the fights, then use a group finding site like destinylfg to get your group. Be sure to mention that it'll be your first time, or else people might get mad atcha.
I'd help if i wasn't on xbox
I would help but in in the same situation