originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
I have cleared Kings fall raid multiple times every week and have sound strategies for all fights. Don't be afraid your in good hands. (Like Allstate but i actually care about you and Won't take your money. :) )
Requirements : you need this to 1 make your life easy and 2 get through the raid.
1: SNIPER RIFLE (almost every boss you use a sniper. HAVE a good one. NO a blue anything is not a good one. upgrade your purples)
2: 295 LIGHT (this is not personal. The game depends on higher light = damage. If you are not 290 you do 0 DPS 295 = comfortable)
I am putting together a normal Kings Fall raid @ 6 PM EST. invites will go out at 5:45 EST and we will begin at 6. Send mail VIA in game to " TooLoud666 " if you are interested.
This will be to teach new Raiders on the HOW TO aspect of the raids so if your not willing to learn nor willing to listen Please don't bother. I have no problem kicking people who 1 lay blame on everyone 2 name calling or 3 won't shut up long enough to do the raid. I.E. trolls will be kicked.